Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Road Trip

I thought about the idea of the tires from the previous art directive with the treasure hunt. Long story short, I asked the kindergarten group to make cars, roads, and take a road trip into the big city! They each made little cars from cardboard (not-yet used fry scoopers donated from my restaurant job), bottle caps, and foam "tires".

My demo car

My demo city, occupied by a lone penguin.

The intro to muddy vs. smooth roads. Sand mixed in.
In their next session I cut out curved roads for them to paint either muddy (brown and white) or smooth, like pavement (black and white). To make the roads have texture, I walked around to each participant and sprinkled a bit of sand into the paint. The sand I used was red, yellow, black, or white. When dry, it sparkled a little. For the cityscapes (my favorite part), I gave each child cardboard cutouts of different shapes for the buildings. They could then paint whatever colors they wanted onto the "buildings" and right onto the black background, which was like the night sky.

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